Monday, June 7, 2010

Emailing the Ellen show...again...

I am sure I have emailed the Ellen show over 130 times easily. I have been trying for a while now to get my Best friend Beth and I on the Ellen show during a Twilight guest appearance. She lives in BC and we haven't seen each other in ages. It's a pretty big request, and these things don't seem to happen to just anyone. I figure I am that 'anyone' but it's worth a shot. Won't happen if I don't try right?
Oh..I've also mailed her 3 parcels...I used to email her daily. But kids and life took over and that became harder and harder to do.
I leave you with one of my youtube videos that I made and sent to Ellen a while ago. I still think it's funny. Then again, I find many of my jokes funny while others don't. So...ya know.)

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO.(if you have dogs..beware..they may howl...

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