Saturday, July 24, 2010

Writing, a writers foe and friend

Even though it feels like it's taken me forever to get here I have concluded chapter 3 of my book. It has flowed out of me like air, which amazes me. As a reader, I read the 3 chapters without realizing where the writing came up with their content. Even the word 'content' sounds cold. These characters are a piece of me. Not sure how, but when they hurt, I sit and cry...and write.
Being a stay at home Mom to 2 preschoolers means I get very little time to write. To be in that frame of mind and in those emotions. It's very hard to write with them running around pulling each other hair, taking toys from one another. They drive me nutty, good thing I love them.(and there is a no return policy on kids. Who knew?) ;)
So end of chapter 3 which has been (to me at least) heart wrenching and exhausting,I am not sure exactly what to do now. I am at a point where the main set up has been layed now what? what's the body of the story. Ugh, so now I have to give it a few days, or even a week or 2 for something to come to me. I put faith that it will come. Up until now the characters themselves have given me the detailed version of what happened. So I hope they know where to go from here! :)
What I'd give for a rainy day at the cottage, no kids and a cup of coffee...just writing. Ugh, that is my ultimate fantasy at this point. QUIET, Caffein, and concentration.


  1. I can't wait to read it!! Is it a vampire story? hehe

  2. Hehehe, no... I don't know how to write a vampire story that wouldn't be compared to Twilight or Vampire Diaries, etc. lol I am only 3 chapters in.. but I would love your feedback. I will write a couple extra chapters and then get them to you. :)
