Thursday, August 26, 2010

Decisions on a vehicle

Long story short, we had a Dodge Caravan, traded it in for a Dodge Charger. Love the car.
Now we have a Tent trailer, which we adore. So the discussion has been had about upgrading to a hibrid in a couple of years, which means we'd need to upgrade our vehicle.
We've looked at many different vehicles, within the Dodge family (of course!). The Journey is their cross over. SUV seating 7. Nice, but I can see the kids sitting in the seat constantly arguing(Smaller back seat than the Charger..granted you do get 2 of them with a smaller trunk capacity than the Charger as well). And still, not a lot of room. We have TONS of room in the Charger. Seems like we will be getting a newer Minivan. SIGH. Not this year, probably in a year and a half.
At least they have changed their looks in the last couple years.

So I ask Brayden, my son who is 5, what he thought about a minivan vs a Dodge Ram 4 dr truck (which is what I'd love, just not at all realistic). He thinks it over, with his thinking face. And says... "Well, I think the minivan is cheaper and more spacious, I like the truck, but the minivan is better".
I swear they must hear WAY more than they let on. Assuming he isn't a completely over intelligent 5 year old, he obviously picked those thoughts from mine and hubby's conversations. lol
Ahhhh too cute. :)
Here I am again. This summer has flown right by me without a slight breeze. I have no idea where it went, but there is officially one week left for summer fun. Then my son goes in grade 1. YIKES.
My writing has been slow. To say the least. Summer fun has taken over my writing time. That, and being a full time Mom, wife, cleaning lady, and cook. But, I've managed 5 chapters.
It's funny, because with a lot of things in my life I feel pretty sure with my feelings. What I've written, I feel blind. It is SO very different being the writer vs being the reader. I didn't think it would be THIS different.
I can't go back and re read the story to see if it makes sense and hat there is flow. I already know what's going to happen. I know what is going to happen after that. So fresh eyes do help. I hope that I can add that feeling when you read a book and you can't put it down because you want to know what happens next. A boring book is good to start a fire, that's about it.
Well, that's it, dropping in for a post. Hoping to be able to find time to do this more often, but no promises.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kids crack me right up, or maybe it's just my kids.

My 5.5 year old son, Brayden, is seriously the most complex thinking kid I know. He has a desire to learn and understand in a world where the more you know, the more you don't know (that saying was on the board in my grade 11 english class and has stuck with me. Unfortunately I used it throughout highschool as my mantra...'then why bother learning?')
Brayden is starting to get into lego pretty hard core. He can invision something and build it. My husband and I are always impressed with the little things he makes and immediately shows us. We praise him big time, so he continues on with his creations.
I tried to build a helicopter, trying to engage with his new passion. It was lame, he thought it was lame, so I am sticking to building simple houses.(the square outline kind) My daughter understands this and uses them for her My Little Ponies. She 'gets' me. ;)
We bought a little mini van that you make out of lego for our little engineer today. As I was tucking him in (as custom) he rambles on and on and on about his most favorite toy of the day. Not sure where he gets his gift of gab from...............
His story.....
"Mommy, when I am 10 I am going to get a minivan to drive around. I'm going to pick Daddy up at work in it, and we are going to go for coffee" (Which I found funny as 'Daddy' doesn't drink coffee. I do, faithfully, but Brayden sees the importance and need for coffee already. Especially when he is old...10) "After our coffee I am going to Bring Daddy to get some hamburgers, french fries, and some pop."
My response..
"When you are 10 eh?"
"Ok Brayden, nightie night"
Hahaha..he cracks me up. He says the funniest things.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Writing, a writers foe and friend

Even though it feels like it's taken me forever to get here I have concluded chapter 3 of my book. It has flowed out of me like air, which amazes me. As a reader, I read the 3 chapters without realizing where the writing came up with their content. Even the word 'content' sounds cold. These characters are a piece of me. Not sure how, but when they hurt, I sit and cry...and write.
Being a stay at home Mom to 2 preschoolers means I get very little time to write. To be in that frame of mind and in those emotions. It's very hard to write with them running around pulling each other hair, taking toys from one another. They drive me nutty, good thing I love them.(and there is a no return policy on kids. Who knew?) ;)
So end of chapter 3 which has been (to me at least) heart wrenching and exhausting,I am not sure exactly what to do now. I am at a point where the main set up has been layed now what? what's the body of the story. Ugh, so now I have to give it a few days, or even a week or 2 for something to come to me. I put faith that it will come. Up until now the characters themselves have given me the detailed version of what happened. So I hope they know where to go from here! :)
What I'd give for a rainy day at the cottage, no kids and a cup of coffee...just writing. Ugh, that is my ultimate fantasy at this point. QUIET, Caffein, and concentration.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Last Airbender

I've got to say I never read reviews on a movie before seeing it. I frankly don't care what other's have to say about a movie as movies should be an expression in one form or another, of art. If they say it is horrible, then fine.. I will go and prove it. (I'm stubborn can you tell?)
So, a great friend told me NOT to go see The Last Airbender. I have been wanting to see this movie for some time now, so I told her I am going anyway. lol (love ya!)
The story was pulled out and I can see how if it's not your 'thing', how you wouldn't like it. I loved it. I thought the acting was great (not WOW good, but it was really good). The main character, the Avatar Aang, was played by Noah Ringer whom I thought did a fantastic job. Another character, as you all know I'm a huge Twilight fan, is Jackson Rathbone
Now, since you may have not seen the movie, I won't go into details of the movie. Acting was great.
Special Effects were great (I asked my husband who is a technical savvy geek and would catch a bad effect where I would not, he said they were good.)
The story at first a little slow develops slowly (I think) for a reason. It's about elements and emotions...this theme I think, flows into something beautiful at the end.
That's right, I really thought it was beautiful at the end. It could have easily have been cheesy and corny given you are working with the elements and relationships between characters, and some moon and sun Gods. But it wasn't, it flowed..such as the elements.
I have always respected

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Getting caught up with no sleep

Maybe I am just a freak. I don't know, but I HATE sleep. I don't enjoy it, I think it's a waste of time. But me fighting something that my body needs, and is completely natural, is pretty pointless too.
Last night I stayed up, started working and adding to my online radio account ( I started this at 1130pm. Tweeted some, then started editing the first few pages of my book. I can't NOT edit.. it bugs me if it's not somewhat edited. Will never be perfectly edited, and will never be remotely close. Wow seems like a futile effort. I was up until past 2AM, then up at 7 to get my son to school, then home to start cleaning the house.
In those 5 hours of sleep I had the BEST dream, about the characters in my head. Is that weird that I have characters in my head? I feel like I am talking about the voices in my head... bring on the padded white room!
I have a name for my character, a person I knew WAY back a long time ago and had since forgotten. BAM, in my dream the name and person appears. I didn't know this person well, so the character took form and is pretty much fictional. Strangest dream, but I was HAPPY in the dream therefore woke up tired, but happy and ready to write.
Unfortunately cleaning the house and me sitting here blogging has taken much of my morning.
I have been hoping for a dream to hit me to make some things clearer to me.
Anyway, boring to you, but I'm happy I have energy to write...when I have a moment. lol
My daughter is playing with Play Doh I dug out this morning. New play things are a great distraction when I need some time. ;)


I read yesterday that Jake and Vienna from last season's Bachelor, recently broke up. I can't speak for ANY person's relationship with another, but she wasn't the one I found most sincere. But, again, what does it matter what I think? lol Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprising, 14 couples from these match making shows have broken up.
Do I think someone could find love on a tv show? Probably, odds obviously aren't good though. Easy to fall in love with the idea of someone in Turkey, Italy, Iceland... I think it creates an unrealistic fantasy.
As for Ali, does it seem like she is starting to play a 'Bachelorette role', and not BE herself? Could just be my take on it all. I think it's easy to slip into a character and not yourself when surrounded by so many guys who could rip out your heart, while being on camera, and having your hair, makeup done constantly. While wearing gorgeous dresses which normally wouldn't be hanging in your closet. How is it that these guys are getting her true self?
Yeah yeah, she was sick and some were there to see her all sick and stuff. Ok, but I've never been sick in a beautiful hotel room with 11 guys downstairs wanting to take care of me.(nor do I ever want to..THAT many men is is enough thank you). Just saying. It's not NATURAL, doesn't mean it won't work, but it's not natural.
That's my 2 cents, and we all know 2 cents is worth NOTHING. lol

Friday, June 18, 2010

Not enough free time to write.

I want to have things to write about on my Blog, but I am afraid my life isn't terribly interesting. lol Sorry. One thing I am extremely proud of is that I FINALLY started writing my book. I have tried numerous times without a plot coming to me. So I scrapped them. It's been about 9-10 months of doing this. Granted I don't have a lot of time to write, so maybe I haven't given it my all, but I also want this to happen naturally and not forced. Some local events took place that has inspired pieces of my story and here we are. I have my main characters. I have 2 pages written (yeah yeah I know not a lot) and the main plot figured out. Now it's a matter of sitting down and writting, and letting the characters go through these situations I am placing them in. I edit too much, I over think things too much, and then I edit again. So Im trying to leave it alone and just write. With two kids, husband, a house to clean, meals to make, snacks to prepare, laundry and dishes to do, usually I am left with a couple hours at night to research points of my story and write. Hopefully it will continue and NOT SUCK. :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

This short book has been released, cleverly, right before the Eclipse movie. I've read it, didn't take long as it's a novella, not a novel. I assume the difference between the two is the length. Bree Tanner was one of the newborn vampires from Eclipse. Jonelle Ferland, a Canadian actress, plays her in the upcoming movie Eclipse.It's an interesting read. I won't give any of it away. It's GOOD, but I've read better plots from Stephanie. Still worth the Time and money, which says a lot since I dont have a lot of reading time and am really cheap. (WalMart and SuperStore seem to be the cheapest places to buy this book). You've read the Twilight series, you've seen the movies, and if you already have your Eclipse ticket for June 30th... you should at least own the book if not have it read. ;)
Bottom line, from my cheap pockets and a Twilight devotee, go buy it.

The Bachelorette

Generally I wouldn't write about just any tv show I watch. Many are great and entertaining, but I wouldn't write about them. I have been watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette for many seasons now. I always prefer the 20 some guys because it's not so deceptive and demeaning. The boys have seriously lost it this season. Ali is a super cool gal, but serious guys, YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY. Much love to Justin, our Torontonian reppin' for Canada. He enjoys stirring the pot of bs with all the guys, but honestly, they threw him to the dogs night one and I think that has irked him ever since. Can ya blame the guy? Weather Man, I feel bad for him. He tried, but just not hard enough. He is considerate and emotional, poor fellar. Cassie..Holy Good Mother Of....(something). What a WEIRDO. His voice drives me bonkers, but then he breaks out into song spontaneously on his one on one date. BAD. Then spews Hallmark romantic quotations like it is regular conversation. So that makes him weird. Then Ali tells him to be 'normal' so he goes and gets a tattoo on his wrist. Of a heart (Ali's) and a rose with a shield covering them with 11 diamonds representing the 11 guys remaining. WHAT?? THAT makes him CREEPY. I'm done. I cant, I won't, the guys stress me out. On to finish the second half of Eclipse...again.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mmmm Veggies....

I just read this really interesting article on myths and facts of frozen and fresh veggies. We love our veggies, and I buy both. I do what I can on the cheap, so some times it's cheaper to get frozen veggies.
I really liked the fact that potatoes are healthy.. lol Just sayin. I don't eat them every day, but I loves me my baked taters.
Click here to read entire article

Monday, June 7, 2010

Emailing the Ellen show...again...

I am sure I have emailed the Ellen show over 130 times easily. I have been trying for a while now to get my Best friend Beth and I on the Ellen show during a Twilight guest appearance. She lives in BC and we haven't seen each other in ages. It's a pretty big request, and these things don't seem to happen to just anyone. I figure I am that 'anyone' but it's worth a shot. Won't happen if I don't try right?
Oh..I've also mailed her 3 parcels...I used to email her daily. But kids and life took over and that became harder and harder to do.
I leave you with one of my youtube videos that I made and sent to Ellen a while ago. I still think it's funny. Then again, I find many of my jokes funny while others don't. So...ya know.)

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO.(if you have dogs..beware..they may howl...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Holy Smokes Batman... I mean Shrek..


There is a huge recall on the Shrek glasses that are sold at McDonalds. Buyer beware! This moring lab tests showed cadmium in the paint on the glasses.HERE is a link to a CBC article detailing the recall.
Also, HERE is some information on cadmium

Sending you to Mars....


Well, you can get your name put on a microchip, on the Mars Science Lab rover which is heading to Mars in 2011. Perhaps I'm a little geeky, but I think this is very neat! Click here to add your name!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Calorie Counter

Here is an awesome Calorie Counter. Just type in what you ate or about to eat, and it will tell you all the nurtritional information.

Losing weight...

Well I never thought I'd be posting about how to lose weight. I have always been overweight and in fact, I am totally fine with this. I don't stand in front of the mirror and pick my body apart. It is what it is. But the baby belly has got to go. My hugest problem with myself is that I have a ring*donut ring* around my belly button. It sits exactly in the same area that my many stretch marks are from both pregnancies. I weighed more before I had my babies than now, but was thinner then. My jiggly belly wasn't so jelly.
I am very scared to set goals in losing weight. I take my own words seriously and I hate the thought of failure. Ideally I want to lose 35 lbs before October when we go to Disney World. BUT, I LOVE FOOD. I mean, I LOVE food. I love beer, I love pop, I love desserts. I am not a picky eater. I will eat any healthy meal you put in front of me. But to not have fries for 4 months is a hard pill to swallow.
So here I am... this is it! I am diving in head first hoping for the best of my psychological battle. I want to lose weight and I have to have the strength to tell myself no. (I am hearing a whisper in the back of my head saying *well maybe not "no", maybe just one bite of something BAD) BAH!
I've recently watched Jillian Micaels' new show 'Losing It'. Highly motivational. First episode was 2 nights ago and was SO good and shows how determination will make you lose weight.
I am not getting a gym membership. Maybe if I had loads of money, but I am not sacrificing the things I have now to go to the gym. So I am going to have to find strength to do it at home. YIKES!
Click here to see Jillian's show

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Free streaming Eclipse Soundtrack

Today only! The Eclipse sound track is streaming all day for free HERE

Eclipse is finally here...well, almost!

Sooooooo I purchased my advanced tickets for Eclipse. My (15 yr old) sister and I always go to the first show we can. Maybe I am getting too old, but the first showing is 1201am on June 30th. I got tickets for that night at 930. The 1201am showing doesn't appeal to me when I have to get up at 7 with a 5 and 4 year old. ...or...I'm getting old.
Anyway, I am VERY excited for Eclipse. All though my favorite book out of the Twilight saga is New Moon, I think Eclipse is going to make the best movie. More action, more to the story. I love New Moon because it's so depressing and raw...and as great as the movie was... I just wished it was darker. What's my opinion matter? ;)
It was also just confirmed that Robert Pattinson will be on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" on June 15th. YAY!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A week off.

I haven't updated in a while. I was busy with our puppy, that we had to place in a new home. Hubby has a new found allergy. Then with gardening and kids and house and husband and BAH...just not enough time in a day. Today will be different. ;)
Here are some funny to start off this Tuesday...June 1st YAY!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Regis and Kelly coming to PEI

Regis and Kelly announced a big secret at the end of their show today. They are going to be on location in PEI this summer! July 12-15. I've already sent in to get my tickets. I have no idea who will be booked for these shows, wish I knew! You can only get 2 tickets per person for one of the 4 shows. But no idea who we will see. Secretly praying for Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart. Alas, the Eclipse touring will be over as it is released June 30th. So who... hummm...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nikki Reed on Ellen today

A new scene from Eclipse shown on the Ellen Show today. For those of you who don't know it...I love Ellen Degeneres and the Twilight Saga. Don't make me chose which I love more. Cuz it will be Edward, it always has been... I mean.. my husband. oops. tehehe.
Click here to see the new scene of Eclipse
Also, Team Edward or Team Jacob...does it really matter? I know you will be watching Robert Pattinson is on Ellen tomorrow.

Well, it's officially official, after me hearing repeatedly WHY we can't LIVE without an iPad, we are now owners of a 32gb iPad. Or..better yet, I'm the wife to one. My husband adores his iPad. I knew he would, he loves his techy toys, but this is even better *or worse* than anything else he has bought. We drove to Bangor, Maine, 5 hour drive and were able to get one at Best Buy. They are selling out EVERYWHERE. Until the day we drove down we didn't know if we'd find one, or what city we would need to drive to. Luckily a shipment had just come in at Bangor,so our travels weren't as long as we thought they'd be. God bless Bangor Best Buy, they held one until we could get there the next morning.
The 'Cool' factor (I am guessing) is that you can't get any in Canada yet. There was a pre order,but they sold out and are back ordered...and hubby wouldn't have been able to get one until the end of June. *gasp* and again, we can't LIVE without one.
I haven't played around too much except to download some Jane Austen novels which I will probably only get to read after summer when hubby lets me use the iPad. ;)
There seem to be Apps for Everything..and anything. Like a beer stein that you can tip as though you are drinking it. So I keep asking if there is an App to get your husband off of the iPad. Ironically, no answer is given to me when I ask him this. Hmm..
I've read that an 'unhealthy' 40% of gamers that play World of Warcraft are addicted to the game. I'm interested to see the results of iPad users. Since, last night, my husband was checking on supper for me while on his iPad. lol :)
iPad Pad can be found on Etsy.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Betty White hostess extraordinaire

If you didn't see Betty White on SNL last Saturday night, you should definitely Youtube it. She was SO GOOD. It's hard to find anybody on tv these days that has an ounce of grace, it's so refreshing to see. She was amazingly funny and a great sport! For those who haven't seen the story on tv, on the news, on Oprah, and ALL OVER THE INTERNET(do you live under a rock?) she was on SNL because of a facebook page dedicated to her and hosting SNL. There is now a page dedicated to getting her to host the Academy Awards. For an 88 year old woman I'd say she is still pretty HOT! She seems to be having a lot of fun, always with a smile.
You can be a part of getting Betty White to host the Academy Awards here

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Breaking Dawn to be Two Installments

So I have been waiting to hear about the making of the 4th installment of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. It is the longest book of the series and has no dull moments, thus will either be hard to film or easy I figure. There has been controversey over whether Summit (the movie makers) will extend it to a 2 Indeed, word is officially out, they will be making Breaking Dawn in two parts. They are just tied up right now with signing Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene as they want to cash in on more money. First movie is to be released in November of 2011 and 2nd part in Summer of 2012. Good thing, cuz we all know the world is supposed to end in Dec of 2012. At least we Twilight fans will go out with smiles on our faces.
Article found here

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New addition to the family

We are getting ready for a new addition to our family this weekend. He is our adored puppy Mac. My mother's black lab had puppies and after much consideration on my husband's side, we decided to take one. He is PERFECT. He is quiet, and reserved, and cuddly. We have been around him since a few hours after his birth. He is already a part of our family. CAN'T WAIT. I've been wanting a dog since we started having kids 5 years ago, but I finally have the time for one. Here he is....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Eclipse cast on Oprah this Thursday

I have heard of all of the lucky fans that were chosen to go to the Oprah Show for the taping with the Twilight-Eclipse cast. I wrote in... but alas... no reply. Can't wait to watch the Oprah show this Thursday (May 13th). In the back corners of my brain I am telling myself constantly not to get excited for Eclipse yet. June 30th is still too far away (50 days...ugh!)
Here is a picture of the cast on the Oprah show. I am pretty certain that Dakota Fanning was also on the show..just not shown in this picture.
Found here

On the Oprah Topic, Will.I.Am was on the Oprah show today. I just adore him. He has such heart. Addicted to this song by Usher and Will.I.Am
I had an awesome Mother's day weekend. Monday morning, I wake up to to
A Mother's Day Funny...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Disney World DEALZ

We LOVE Disney World. We have been down twice in the past 2 years. We are a one income family, so we save save save. I am always researching the deals that are offered by Disney. This year is the Holy Grail for Disney Deals. They are having it hard...I only assume this as they are offering 3 deals throughout the summer(their busiest season). Most summers they might offer a small discount, but nothing like what they have out for 2010. We have booked our Disney vacation for Oct 2 (last day of the deals) with the FREE DINING. This is the best deal money wise for staying at the Value resorts (cheapest...besides pitching a tent at their campground..which I am NOT doing). The other offers may be better for you if you plan on staying at something other than the Value resorts.
It seriously doesn't matter how old you are...Disney World is SO MUCH FUN. With these deals, you can't beat it!
I love researching a great deal, I don't believe in giving our money to large companies when they offer a deal. Ask any questions if you'd like, I'd be happy to help you out!

Welcome to my Blog! I appreciate you dropping by. There are only a few Blogs that I actually follow, I am by no means, an educated blogger. So this will either be completely original or totally mainstream. Hoping for the first.
I'm not even sure where to begin, but I am always on my laptop writing, researching, or on the few social networks that I frequent.